Welcome to the NANOSTEM ITN Website

NANOSTEM is a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network (ITN) funded by the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme. The project started on June 2018 and will last for 4 years. The network is coordinated by Prof Marina Resmini at QMUL and comprises 9 beneficiary partners and 5 partner organisations from the academic and the industrial sectors, from 7 countries (United Kingdom, Sweden, Portugal, France, Germany, Austria and Italy).
The NANOSTEM project addresses brain drug delivery to target specifically neurogenic niches from a holistic approach. The multidisciplinary expertise of the consortium will enable tackling advanced NP formulations, new drugs, advanced screening of NP formulations in a human BBB model, and in vivo testing of the formulations in the neural stem cells (NSC). This provides a unique training platform that links chemistry, polymer science and nanotechnology with neuroscience, stem cell biology and clinical neurology. The 14 ESRs trained by the network will become a new generation of nanomedicine experts able to work and communicate across disciplines.