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Workshop in Translational Neurology

NANOSTEM is getting stronger in delivering online training events! 

Last week the ESRs logged-in for a 2-day Workshop in Translational Neurology (10-11th December 2020). The workshop was focused on the Blood-Brain Barrier in clinical settings. Seven different experts in the field, carefully selected by our PI Dr Joao Sargento Freitas, took time to deliver ad-hoc lectures for our attendees. The lectures ranged from informative sessions on BBB structure and function to its role as either a barrier or a door for drug delivery, and its function in different neurological diseases. 
Throughout the two days, the ESRs worked together on a group activity. They were divided into four different groups and assigned a mentor and a topic covering the BBB function in Alzheimer’s diseases, Multiple Sclerosis, Strokes, and Ageing. The main objective was to present a PhD project of the duration of 2-3 years on the given topic. The workshop ended with the groups delivering their proposals. The organisers of the training event and the mentors were highly impressed by the level reached by the ESRs. Every group presented a well-structured plan that covered clear objectives, a rationale, a timeline, and also risks and mitigations. The group activity was a success, although probably stressful for the ESRs. They worked hard to achieve a good result in the short time they had available!  

News date: 13 December 2020

Updated by: Fosca Mirata

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